Amazon Appstore Buy Box

Overview The buy box is one of the most critical elements on an retail web page. Unfortunately, Appstore's buy box was severely outdated, as a result it was extremely inconsistant when compared to buy boxes from other store categories. Even though I technically was not the owner of the Appstore retail web experience, it was something that I felt had to be fixed, so over a couple weeks I would block out a few hours here and there to revamp the Buy Box. My goals were to 1) update the design to align with other stores, 2) align with what exists on our Fire devices, 3) leverage the most up-to-date web components, and 4) simplify and clean up the overall visual layout.
CompanyAmazon RoleLead UX Designer, VXD, IA Year 2015

Heuristic Evaluation I began with a heuristic evaluation of all the various buy boxes. The other stores all had a common look and feel, minus Amazon Video. However, Appstore (the green guy) looked antiquated and out of place. I needed to fix that!

Iterate, Iterate, Iterate I then identified those buy boxes that were the most up to date and reached out to the AUI (Amazon User Interface) team to secure the proper component style guides and then began revamping the design, exploring several different variations, which accounted for all the functionality an Appstore buy box required.

Approved! After reviewing the different options with several different internal folks and stakeholders, my efforts paid off when the design was approved by legal and leadership and placed on the backlog. This was a big win considering the development work to build it had not been on anyones roadmap. It was built and launched shortly thereafter.