
Hello there - I'm Jeremy Johnson!
Seasoned UX design generalist, specializing in designing end-to-end solutions for web, mobile, and voice-driven customer experiences.

Gospel Library 3.0

Overview Working hand-in-hand with Senior Designer Kory Garner, Gospel Library 3.0 was a complete redesign of the former experience. We designed a robust study app, which includes an extensive scriptural library as well as many other materials produced by the LDS Church. We leveraged frequent design brainstorms between design, product, and dev, as well as quick iteration, running usability sessions and getting feedback from our Beta group.

The features I designed included - 1) Rich inline content for the library grid (e.g. books, magazines, and photos), 2) Realistic highlighting across both light and dark modes, 3) Visual design for bookmark ribbon including adding, placing and moving the ribbon, 4) Adding and opening new library instances, 5) Flow mechanics for "History" vs "Back" navigation, 6) Settings Screen including account sign-in, theme selection, font-sizing, etc., 7) Lower panel that was exposed through a swipe-up gesture to show footnotes and annotations (they called it the "swoop"!), 8) New pagination location and annotation icon on right of the screen, 9) Right side drawer (on iPad) for Footnotes and annotation access, 10) and media controls in the left panel.

Unfortunately, I no longer have access to all the original design files, but the ones I do have I've posted below. This was truly one of the most fulfilling projects I ever worked on.

Honor The Gospel Library 3.0 App reached rank #9 in the Top Free Apps chart for iPhone.

CompanyLDS Church RolesSr. Mobile UX Designer, VXD, IXD, IA, User Researcher Year 2012 - 2013