
Hello there - I'm Jeremy Johnson!
Seasoned UX design generalist, specializing in designing end-to-end solutions for web, mobile, and voice-driven customer experiences.

BidSystem 2.0

Overview Back when shiney glossy buttons and background textures were all the rage, I lead design efforts to completely overhaul the Bidsystem advertising management solution. Bidsystem 2.0 was a robust SAAS web application that allowed advertisers to create and manage marketing campaigns, view performance metrics, and track conversions. I designed the login and signup flow, post login dashboard, campaign creation, Ad Groupings, Targeting, Bidding Levels, Analytics, Account Management, and Settings.

Glossy buttons FTW! #2009DesignTrends

CompanyAdknowledge RolesSr. Design Lead, IXD, VXD, IA, Usability Testing Year 2009